Burn 24-7: Worship & The Great Commission (Sean Feucht)


A new generation is emerging from the flames of a global 24-7 worship and prayer movement. 

They are marked by a passionate pursuit of His presence, a sacrificial zeal for the establishment of justice in the nations, and an unstoppable faith that light will invade the darkness. They are wild-eyed dreamers, prophets of hope and those who dare to believe that one encounter with the beauty of God can transform cities and nations. They are sons and daughters of honor, proudly wearing the their father’s dreams like badges on their chest. They are covenant families who model the unconditional and restorative love of God to the hurting and broken. Their ceaseless prayers, joyful songs and audacious hope will stop wars, remove injustice, and change atmospheres. Their prayers will rewrite the history of nations. This book is a description of the DNA of this radical generation caught in the collision of vertical worship and the Great Commission.

From the moment of its conception at a dorm room prayer meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma the Burn 24-7 has carried the DNA for a global reformation leading to the transformation of entire cities. The themes of this book, Intimacy, vertical worship, hope, honor, covenant community, discipleship, missions, and the supernatural are the DNA or the description of this movement. Some of these values are still in seed form but we believe it will spring up unto a massive revolution in the church and a reformation of society.